Worried about abandoned cart ratio ? Want to recover more abandoned cart and generate more revenue ? If answer is YES, then you should definitely give this a try.
Based on research the percentage of abandoned carts ranges anywhere from 50% to 80%. So to deal with these left checkouts & to fulfill our merchants request we build one solution which really helps.
Yes, it will help you to get in touch with your potential customers and enables you to chat with them using Whatsapp, Call, SMS & emails using Android Mobile app.
We built this mobile application for our WAShare + Chat application users, which helps them to manage their abandoned orders.
Features :
- Set message templates with variables given to make message more personalize
- Include Abandoned Checkout Link
- Chat with customer via Whatsapp, Call, SMS & Emails.
- Add notes for orders
- Tagging contact method
- And much more
Note : To use this app, You must have WAShare + Chat Shopify application installed on your shopify store.